ДЗИ Английски език В2 12 клас 2023: Цялата матура + отговорите!

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Присъствена пробна матура по БЕЛ за 12 клас 2023/2024 (онлайн регистрация)

Присъствена пробна матура по английски език за 12 клас 2023/2024 (онлайн регистрация)

ЧАСТ 1 (Време за работа:60 минути)

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Task One

You will hear a text twice. Before you listen to it for the first time, you have 30 seconds to read the
tasks to the text. While listening for the first time you are NOT allowed to mark your chosen
answers. After you listen to it for the first time, you have 1 minute to mark your chosen answers on
your answer sheet. While listening to the text for a second time, you can mark your chosen answers.
After you listen to the text for the second time, you have 1 more minute to check or correct your

1. The Kukeri tradition appears to date back to Thracian times.

A) True B) False

2. The Kukeri tradition is a blend of pagan and Christian culture.

A) True B) False

3. The Kukeri rituals in Razlog are performed by men only.

A) True B) False

4. The local Kukeri wear unique sheepskin costumes and masks.

A) True B) False

5. The Kukery festival in Razlog has been held without any alterations over the years.

A) True B) False

Task Two
You will hear a text twice. Before you listen to it for the first time, you have 30 seconds to read the
tasks to the text. While listening for the first time you are NOT allowed to mark your chosen
answers. After you listen to it for the first time, you have 1 minute to mark your chosen answers on
your answer sheet. While listening to the text for a second time, you can mark your chosen answers.
After you listen to the text for the second time, you have 1 more minute to check or correct your

6. What provoked new interest in the archaeological treasures of the UK was the rumour that
the site of Stonehenge would be closed for renovation.

A) True B) False

7. Sutton Hoo in Suffolk features the ship by which seventhcentury King Raedwald arrived to
conquer the place.

A) True B) False

8. The Sutton Hoo helmet is among the most renowned gold treasure finds at this site in Suffolk.

A) True B) False

9. Archaeologists proved that the mysterious bluestones of Stonehenge were dragged down
from the top of a nearby hill.

A) True B) False

10. At the Hadrian’s Wall site one can try one’s acting skills as a part of the guided tour walk.

A) True B) False

Task Three
You will hear a text twice. Before you listen to it for the first time, you have 4 minutes and 30
seconds to read the tasks to the text. While listening for the first time you are NOT allowed to mark
your chosen answers. After you listen to it for the first time, you have 4 minutes to mark your
chosen answers on your answer sheet. While listening to the text for a second time, you can mark
your chosen answers. After you listen to the text for the second time, you have 1 more minute to
check or correct your answers.

11. Percy Bysshe Shelley was expelled from Oxford because of

A) his romantic poetry.

B) his vegetarianism.

C) his extravagant relationships.

D) his disbelief in God.

12. In his essay A Vindication of Natural Diet, Shelley claims that
A) eating meat endangers man’s health.

B) people should not be afraid of old age.

C) fattening animals will save poor children from starvation.

D) people should stop eating the produce of farm fields.

13. While studying at Oxford, Shelley

A) kept regular meal times.

B) had peculiar eating habits.

C) lived only on several pounds of bread per day.

D) would often forget to eat bread at all.

14. When Shelley and Harriet entertained guests at their place they would often serve

A) no vegetarian food.

B) no fresh bread.

C) no cooked dish.

D) only drinks.

15. George Bernard Shaw suggested renaming vegetarianism “Shelleyism” because Shelley …

A) was very strict in his vegetarian ways.

B) had a holistic approach to vegetarianism.

C) had attracted quite a number of followers.

D) was his dear friend and he wanted him to be remembered.

Task 4

You will hear a text twice. Before you listen to it for the first time, you have 4 minutes and 30
seconds to read the tasks to the text. While listening for the first time you are NOT allowed to mark
your chosen answers. After you listen to it for the first time, you have 4 minutes to mark your
chosen answers on your answer sheet. While listening to the text for a second time, you can mark
your chosen answers. After you listen to the text for the second time, you have 1 more minute to
check or correct your answers.

16. Lucy Worsley decided to write a book about Agatha Christie because
A) she was absolutely fascinated by her personal life.

B) she wanted to provide some insights into the British working class.

C) there were no other biography books about her.

D) she wanted to look at her life from a historian’s perspective.

17. Agatha Christie came from

A) a very humble family.

B) a typically English family.

C) a noble Victorian family.

D) a wealthy middleclass family.

18. In her childhood, Agatha Christie

A) often invited her friends to play in her garden.

B) used to write stories about her imaginary friends.

C) used her imagination to invent her playmates.

D) lived in a little house in the south of England.

19. What is NOT true about Agatha Christie’s parents?

A) They were ardent supporters of the ‘New Woman’ concept.

B) They made their elder daughter, Madge, leave school and marry.

C) They expected Agatha Christie to find a suitable wealthy husband.

D) They wanted Agatha Christie to follow in the footsteps of her sister.

20. According to her biographer Lucy Worsley, Agatha Christie’s disappearance in 1926

A) was inaccurately interpreted in newspapers and books.

B) was the greatest mystery in the entire novelist’s life.

C) was planned by the writer herself to attract publicity.

D) was organised by her husband who wanted a divorce.

ЧАСТ 2 (Време за работа:180 минути)
Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


Task One

Read the text below. Then read the questions that follow it and choose the best answer to each
question, marking your answers on your answer sheet.

One afternoon a telegram came from Sebastian.

My father was out and returned to find me in a state of feverish anxiety.

“Father, I’ve got to leave. A great friend of mine has had a terrible accident. I must go to him at
once. There’s a train in half an hour.”

I showed him the telegram, which read simply: GRAVELY INJURED. COME AT ONCE.

“Well,” said my father. “I’m sorry you are upset. Reading this message I should not say that the
accident was as serious as you seem to think otherwise it would hardly be signed by the victim
himself. Well, I shall miss you, my dear boy, but do not hurry back on my account.”

On that August Sunday the train was nearly empty. I put my suitcase in a thirdclass carriage. The
cornfields sped past and the throb of the wheels reechoed in my ears, “You’ve come too late. Youve
come too late. He’s dead. He’s dead.

In twilight the train reached my destination.

I recognized Sebastian’s sister, Julia, sitting at the wheel of an open car.

“Mr. Ryder, jump in.” Her voice was Sebastians and so was her way of speaking.

“How is Sebastian?”

“Oh, he’s fine. Sebastian and I are alone, so I thought I’d wait for you.”

“Whats happened to him?”

“He’s cracked an ankle bone so small that it hasnt a name. But they Xrayed it yesterday and told
him to keep it up for a month. It’s a great bore to him … He tried to make me stay with him. Well, I

34. The guide’s nickname was Bachelor Alf
A) because he was a confirmed bachelor.

B) since he was forty years old and was not married yet.

C) as he had a rich collection of bentup rings.

D) for he could not bend the ring on his wedding day.

35. Hundreds of years ago the decisive factor for the success of a mans proposal in marriage was

A) the lady’s opinion.

B) the correct choice of bridge.

C) the man’s physical strength.

D) All of the above.

36. What do traditional tenth wedding anniversary gifts and bentup rings found in a riverbed
hundreds of years later share in common?

A) Both are vintage articles.

B) The type of material they are made of.

C) The same symbolic meaning they have.

D) The occasion upon which they are given.

Task Three

Read the text below. Then read the questions that follow it and answer each question with a
sentence of your own. Write your answers on your answer sheet. Sentences copied word for word
from the text will get 0 points.

Breakfast in Paris, lunch in Frankfurt and dinner in Vienna all without the hassle and frustration of

Imagine a network of modern, superfast and comfortable trains hurtling between every major city
in the European Union, providing a reliable, comfortable and sustainable alternative to air travel.

In an attempt to cut carbon emissions, the EU leaders launched a grand plan to double highspeed
rail use by 2030 and triple current levels by 2050.

Unlike many parts of the world, Europe already has thousands of kilometres of dedicated high
speed railway. In France, Germany and Spain rail travel has been transformed over the last 40 years,
but it still remains largely focused on domestic markets.

Building lines across international borders, even within the European Union, can create tension over
who pays for what, how the contracts are allocated, conflicting national standards and regulations and
a number of other obstacles.

For decades it’s been too easy to kick difficult projects down the road until they become someone
else’s problem. Even where international highspeed lines have been built often at enormous cost
stifling bureaucracy and high access charges are preventing some routes from fulfilling their potential.
Others, such as ParisLondon via the Channel Tunnel and ParisBrusselsAmsterdam are more
successful but could and should be luring many more passengers away from shorthaul air travel.

Now European policymakers have committed to a new study highlighting the numerous benefits of
an expanded highspeed rail network connecting national capitals and major cities. They will
investigate how to pay for tens of thousands of kilometres of new lines and how a radical
transformation of the continent’s rail network can help the EU deliver on its Green Deal’ objective of
carbon neutrality by 2050. Some of that expansion will come on new routes that are planned or under
construction but many more will be needed to facilitate the vision of European leaders.

Reaching an agreement on which routes to prioritize, which cities will benefit (and which will miss
out) will cause huge arguments between competing interests. With the shape of the final network likely
to have a massive influence on the future development of Europe over the next 100 years, cities will be
desperate to stake their claim.

37. What is the EUs plan for highspeed rail use by the mid21 century?

38. What are the two reasons mentioned in the text for the European Union to want to replace
airplanes with highspeed rail network?

39. What is the main disadvantage of the existing highspeed railway travel in European
countries like Germany and Spain?

40. Why can building highspeed railways across borders cause disagreement between the EU

41. What two things prevent the existing highspeed international lines from operating at full

42. What will be the two major benefits of the study conducted by European policymakers on
expanding the highspeed rail network?

43. Why will it not be easy to reach an agreement in the EU on which rail routes to prioritize?


You are required to do BOTH tasks.

Внимание: В случай на непристоен език, плагиатство или текст, идентичен с този на
друг ученик, на съответния текст се присъждат 0 точки.

44. Read the task and write a formal letter (120 130 words) including the suggested prompts.

The earth’s resources are limited, yet a lot of them are wasted on a daily basis. Write a letter to
your mayor outlining a plan to save water, electricity or food (focus on one natural resource). In your
letter you should:

explain why you chose to focus on this particular resource;

suggest measures that should be taken to reduce its waste;

speculate about the effect of the proposed measures.

Sign your letter with John Smith / Jane Smith.

Писмен текст с обем под 65 думи или текст, изцяло несъответстващ на темата, се оценява
с 0 (нула) точки.

45. Read the task and write an essay (200 220 words), expressing your opinion on the set topic.

What makes a good team leader? State your opinion and support it with arguments and examples.
You should consider the following:

his/her personal qualities;

his/her interpersonal skills;

whether leaders are born or made.

Писмен текст с обем под 110 думи или текст, изцяло несъответстващ на темата, се оценява
с 0 (нула) точки.

Верните отговори

A1  19.A1
Въпросите от No 3
7до No43са отворени. Задачите с кратък свободен отговор се
оценяват с 0 точки, 1 точка
или2 точки в зависимост от верността и пълнотата на
отговора. При проверка на задачите с кратък свободен отговор не се вземат предвид
правописни и граматически грешки. В отговора се оценява съответствието между
информацията в него с тази в текста.

Отговорите на отворените въпроси са примерни. Приема се за верен всеки отговор,
формулиран по различен начин, но съответстващ на въпроса и на информацията.

37. What is the EUs plan for highspeed rail use by the mid21 century?

The EU aims to triple the use of highspeed rail / increase the use of highspeed rail three
times by 2050 / the mid21 century. (2 т.)


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